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Monday, April 9, 2007

Healthy Pets

Healthy Pets Naturally and Holistically

I remember when I grew up, all of our family and friends pets lived to be 18+ years old and this was common. Not today, not with all the chemicals and carcinogens in our pet foods, toxins from flea and tick products, over vaccinating our pets, and more. The life expectancy has decreased over the last 30 years and we need to understand why. There is a tightly knit relationship between the veterinarians, pharmaceutical companies, agribusiness, and pet food industries that is beginning to be exposed and our pets are dieing. This has been going on for far too long and it’s time we educate ourselves, fight back, and keep our pets healthy.

Here are some very informative web sites written and hosted by Veterinarians, who understand the anatomy and physiology of our pets, and the increasing illness in our beloved pets b/c of the greed and politics of The Pet Food Industry, Veterinarians, Agribusiness, pharmaceutical companies and more.

You will find the truth behind the history of Pet Food, Vaccinations, and the toxic chemicals we are putting on our animals to rid them of fleas, ticks, etc. and will understand the reason for allergies, skin problems, arthritis, degenerative diseases, and more, that our pets didn’t have 30 years ago.

It is up to us to educate ourselves, if we want to have healthy pets. It’s about MONEY and politics, not the health of the animals.

Please read on, it may not be pretty but necessary to know.

http://www.howl911.com/: this is a very informative site and if you go to the right side of the home page, please view an article written by Dr. Michael Fox DVM entitled LARGEST PET FOOD RECALL EVER

http://leda.law.harvard.edu/leda/data/784/Patrick06.html this is also a very informative article that describes the history of pet food, the role of the veterinarians, and the FDA, AAFCO and agribusiness

http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/animals.htm this site has it all, from home made diets, to the truth about vaccine and vaccinosis, raw diets, and much more.

http://www.itsfortheanimals.com/DODDS-CHG-VACC-PROTOCOLS.HTM Dr. Jean Dodds is a veterinarian in Santa Monica, CA.

The AVMA, American Veterinary Medical Association has finally admitted that vaccinations need not be done every year. All 27 schools are on board that yearly vaccinations are not necessary. There is no scientific evidence to support yearly vaccinations. It was historical in nature in the 50’s when an outbreak of distemper occurred and it was thought that yearly vaccinations might be beneficial.

With carcinogens in our pet foods, over vaccinating our pets, putting toxic chemicals on our pets for fleas/ticks, etc, is it any wonder we are seeing so many more illnesses in our pets? Cancer, tumors, skin allergies, degenerative disease, arthritis, autoimmune deficiencies, etc., are killing our pets and now we are fighting back.

yours healthfully,



Anonymous said...

Thank you for raising awareness!

As we head into spring, I see my neighbors pulling out their lawn chemicals. I am surprised at how little the general public has been informed about the dangers of some of the chemicals we use in and around our homes.

As the "mother" of a rambunctious Samoyed puppy, I may have a few more weeds in my lawn than others, but the health of my pets comes first. Dogs that live in households where weed killers containing 2,4-D are twice as likely to die from cancer. Thanks!

Lynne Eldridge M.D.
Co-Author, "Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time: Practical Advice for Preventing Cancer"

shewhisperer said...


It amazes me how many people use toxic chemicals on their lawns, fertilizers, etc, and then let their children and animals play on it. We just had a huge debate to not put chemicals on the grassy areas at the local elementary school. People don't realize the risks involved, and it's up to people like us to continue to raise the awareness.

So, I thank you as well, for caring enough to speak up.
