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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Melamine in Food Chain and Pet Food!

It's not only pet food now, being poisoned. They have found Melamine in hogs, that's right, so don't eat pork. A chicken farm in MO is now under investigation for melamine in their chickens, so don't eat chicken or eggs, until we are notified otherwise.
I had a feeling, when the FDA was witholding the name of the companies who had the tainted food, that it must be in the human food chain, and sure enough, it is now in pork, and possible chickens. Beware, I feel there is more to come, that is being hidden.
I say we call for the resignation of the heads of the FDA who are responsible for letting this kind of insanity slip through the cracks into the human food chain. I is scary enough that our pets have had do endure pain and suffering, now it's humans.
Keep safe and healthy,

Go to http://www.itchmo.com for a daily update on all recalled food. They have the most updated information on all tainted food including human food now.

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