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Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Finally the FDA is admitting that there have been 4150 reported deaths of cats and dogs. They are continuing their investigation in China, but apparently China sells to food companies and they dont' know what the companies who buy their product use it for. If the FDA has admitted these numbers of deaths, then you can bet there are many many more deaths, that haven't been reported.
If you look deeper into this, you will realize that this tainted chemical is in human food as well. What about our pasta, chips, crackers, anything with wheat gluten, corn gluten, soy gluten, rice gluten. I am only buying gluten free products. With all the we import from China, not supporting our own farmers, for the sake of saving a dime, and putting the money into the corproate powers that be, starving our own farmers, and then killing our pets and making us sick.

It's more disgusting that I'd ever imagined, but don't be fooled.

Read OMNIVORES DILEMMA, it's not just our pets that are sick and dying.

Remember, only shop the outside isles at the market and make sure it's organic, free range, and pasture fed, or you're eating non-foods.

Spend your money on good wholesome food, and not doctor bills. You're worth it.

ta ta for now,


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Melamine: Fake Protein in our Pet Food for Years

Read this, you won't believe it, or maybe you will!



Wednesday, April 25, 2007

latest update FDA and Melamine


this is the latest update and a FAQ about the FDA and Melamine. read and pass it on.

I went on the Wilbur-Ellis site and found that they supply almost everything to pet food companies and human food companies. Items such as, oils for cooking, corn, vegetable, hay and pelleted food for all livestock, including our horses, all kinds of meat meals, everything, check it out, go to


this is the company website w/ all of their infomation and products, they supply, including fertilizers, chemical pesticides, etc.

have a look and pass it on.. we need to educate ourselves and demand that congress makes them do their job right.

~more later,





www.itchmo.com A site for all information about the updated pet food recall.

www.howl911.com The inside loop for information about all pet related subjects to include veterinary articles, events, and political issues relating to the whole pet industry.

www.avma.com The American Veterinary Medical Association. For all things veterinary, including the truth about vaccinations, being historical not scientific. go to vaccinations and read on about no need for yearly vaccinations!

http://tedeboy.tripod.com/drmichaelwfox/index.html Dr. Michael W. Fox’s very insightful article about the “LARGEST PET FOOD RECALL EVER.”

http://www.feedmypet.com/dog-food-comparison.html About pet food labeling.

http://www.puppenschnoodles.com/nutrition.html Compares food ingredients and links to Raw food.

http://www.wellpet.org/vaccines/dodds-schedule.htm Dr. Jean Dodds is a holistic veterinarian in Santa Monica California, who gives her recommended vaccination schedule.

http://www.howl911.com/ehodgkins.htm Supplemental Testimony for the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Hearings, April 12, 2007.

http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/petfood.htm#recall A wonderful site about taking care of our pets naturally and holistically, and the truth about the pet food recall.

http://www.api4animals.org/articles?p=361&more=1 Animal Protection Institute, provides a closer look at the safety or lack of safety regulations in pet foods.

http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/avictim.htm Site discusses toxic chemicals in flea and tick products.

www.whole-dog-journal.com A monthly magazine about dog’s health and well-being.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Melamine in Food Chain and Pet Food!

It's not only pet food now, being poisoned. They have found Melamine in hogs, that's right, so don't eat pork. A chicken farm in MO is now under investigation for melamine in their chickens, so don't eat chicken or eggs, until we are notified otherwise.
I had a feeling, when the FDA was witholding the name of the companies who had the tainted food, that it must be in the human food chain, and sure enough, it is now in pork, and possible chickens. Beware, I feel there is more to come, that is being hidden.
I say we call for the resignation of the heads of the FDA who are responsible for letting this kind of insanity slip through the cracks into the human food chain. I is scary enough that our pets have had do endure pain and suffering, now it's humans.
Keep safe and healthy,

Go to http://www.itchmo.com for a daily update on all recalled food. They have the most updated information on all tainted food including human food now.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Healthy Pets

Healthy Pets Naturally and Holistically

I remember when I grew up, all of our family and friends pets lived to be 18+ years old and this was common. Not today, not with all the chemicals and carcinogens in our pet foods, toxins from flea and tick products, over vaccinating our pets, and more. The life expectancy has decreased over the last 30 years and we need to understand why. There is a tightly knit relationship between the veterinarians, pharmaceutical companies, agribusiness, and pet food industries that is beginning to be exposed and our pets are dieing. This has been going on for far too long and it’s time we educate ourselves, fight back, and keep our pets healthy.

Here are some very informative web sites written and hosted by Veterinarians, who understand the anatomy and physiology of our pets, and the increasing illness in our beloved pets b/c of the greed and politics of The Pet Food Industry, Veterinarians, Agribusiness, pharmaceutical companies and more.

You will find the truth behind the history of Pet Food, Vaccinations, and the toxic chemicals we are putting on our animals to rid them of fleas, ticks, etc. and will understand the reason for allergies, skin problems, arthritis, degenerative diseases, and more, that our pets didn’t have 30 years ago.

It is up to us to educate ourselves, if we want to have healthy pets. It’s about MONEY and politics, not the health of the animals.

Please read on, it may not be pretty but necessary to know.

http://www.howl911.com/: this is a very informative site and if you go to the right side of the home page, please view an article written by Dr. Michael Fox DVM entitled LARGEST PET FOOD RECALL EVER

http://leda.law.harvard.edu/leda/data/784/Patrick06.html this is also a very informative article that describes the history of pet food, the role of the veterinarians, and the FDA, AAFCO and agribusiness

http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/animals.htm this site has it all, from home made diets, to the truth about vaccine and vaccinosis, raw diets, and much more.

http://www.itsfortheanimals.com/DODDS-CHG-VACC-PROTOCOLS.HTM Dr. Jean Dodds is a veterinarian in Santa Monica, CA.

The AVMA, American Veterinary Medical Association has finally admitted that vaccinations need not be done every year. All 27 schools are on board that yearly vaccinations are not necessary. There is no scientific evidence to support yearly vaccinations. It was historical in nature in the 50’s when an outbreak of distemper occurred and it was thought that yearly vaccinations might be beneficial.

With carcinogens in our pet foods, over vaccinating our pets, putting toxic chemicals on our pets for fleas/ticks, etc, is it any wonder we are seeing so many more illnesses in our pets? Cancer, tumors, skin allergies, degenerative disease, arthritis, autoimmune deficiencies, etc., are killing our pets and now we are fighting back.

yours healthfully,



The commercial pet food industry lacks the standards in ingredient quality and accountablility, and has been called to question many times. Let's talk about Ethoxoquin, a preservative used to preserve meat. Ethoxoquin is a known carcinogen and is not approved by the FDA, yet is approved for pet food. Many years ago, the pet food companies were called into question regarding the use of ethoxoquin and they removed this carcinogens and began to preserve the meat in dry foods w/ tocopherals, and vitamin E. What really occured was that instead of the pet food companies putting the ethoxoquin in the food, they had the meat companies put it in the food before it got to pet food company. Ethoxoquin is still in many pet foods on the market today. The recall today has many facets to consider. If the FDA doesn't approve buying wheat gluten from another country, and or buying meat from other countries, then buying from Canada, who doesn't have those restrictions, is a loop hole that make it easier to buy cheap ingredients from other countryies by buying from Canada, then we can say, we didn't import it. Since the bottom line on making and selling pet food, is for financial gain, and who knows, could they be testing genetically engineered foods on our pets, w/out our knowledge????? Read this very informative opinion article by Dr. Michael Fox DVM. http://tedeboy.tripod.com/drmichaelwfox/id74.html
Maybe the safest thing we can do for our beloved pets is to make our own food for them. The pet food industry and the veterinarin industry would have us believe that we are unable to adequately feed our pets with the proper ingredients, but we must consider that this is highly motivated by their greed to sell us their product. I have been feeding my cats and dogs home prepared foods for the past 10 years and I just lost a 13 1/2 year old German Shepherd, and still have a 13 1/2 year old dog and all my other animals are in their prime living healthy vibrant lives. There are many books and sites out there, where you can learn to make your own pet foods and it's a far superior diet than anything you can buy in a can or a bag. And, believe it or not, it is not more expensive to feed this way. I feed a raw diet and it costs as much as the best commercial diet on the market and they love it.
Please visit my website for further links on feeding our pets a healthier diet.
Good luck and thanks for loving your pets so much.


Monday, February 19, 2007


School is about to start, less than a month from now. It begins March 19th and I still have room for another student. If you are a dog savvy person and want to be a professional dog trainer/whisperer, please contact me. We work out of the Southern Oregon Humane Society, using their dogs for our training practice and education. It is truly a hands-on program where everyone benefits. The dogs in the shelter get regular training, thereby making them more placable, making room for more dogs to come in, get training, and placed in their new homes. If you want to find out more about the school, please go to my website: http://www.shewhisperer.com

Look forward to hearing from you,
the shewhisperer

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Dog Trainers-Certified or Not


There are only two types of licensed dog trainers. They
are: Guide dog trainers, who train Seeing Eye dogs and Sentry dog trainers who train Police dogs. Only these two types of dog trainers are licensed by the state. ALL other trainers are not licensed. A certified dog trainer is a bit ambiguous at this time. By this, I mean that there are many trainers who just decided to become a dog trainer, who have little or a lot of experience, and who went to a school and got certified. Since there are no requirements to become a pet dog trainer, the field is wide open to anyone who feels they have some knowledge of dog training to call themselves a trainer.

The schools that offer certification programs to become a dog trainer have no requirements or licensing to become a certified training school. The schools and trainers that tout the title behind their name, i.e. CCPDT, IACP, are schools that have come up in the last 14 years. They are not licensed or registered with the state, they are indeed a group of dog trainers who gathered together to form their organization and developed a test for trainers to take and then offer these titles next to their name. The testing requirements are a set of standards that these trainers came up with based on their ideas and education. While this is a good attempt to regulate the field of dog trainers, it is not the end all in qualified dog trainers. I am in favor of these organizations in their attempt to try to have some standards in dog training etiquette, yet, I must remind you that these are memebership (dues paying member organizations) and don’t endorse or follow up on any of their members. Given the fact that these membership organizations came to be in the last 14 years, one might ask about all the trainers who have been training longer than this. There are many trainers with tantamount experience who are very qualified trainers, yet will not and do not need to go to these organizations to become certified, as many of them could write the test. These organizations clearly state that although they may have a referral list of certified dog trainers, that they do not endorse these trainers, only refer them. This should tell you something.

Please keep an open mind and ask the trainer if you can come and observe and also ask around in your community and your veterinarians if they have any recommendations for you. When looking at schools to become a dog trainer, the same applies. The years of experience may far outweigh any title behind a name and the education you get from these trainers can be far superior.

Listen to your gut, and ask yourself, do you want to be a stamped out trainer that works for Petco or Petsmart, teaching obedience only, or do you want a more in depth study and understanding of dogs and their behavior. If so, then seek out what you are looking for and ask a lot of questions, to the trainer, not the secretary, who is answering the phone.

Is your vet a good doctor?


Many of us are guilty of putting doctors on a pedestal, making them into somewhat of a godlike figure. We often do this with our veterinarian, as well.

Veterinarians have an even more difficult job diagnosing illness, because the animals can’t speak for themselves. I don’t say this as if you don’t know this, rather to help you realize the importance of really explaining all the details, even the ones you think are small, or might be silly. These minute details can often be the crux of what the veterinarian might need, in order to make a proper diagnosis.

The problem with finding a good veterinarian has many facets. It is a rare doctor who really listens to their clients…(owners know their animal best.) Unfortunately, in vet school, they are not required to take courses in communication and listening skills. In their 4 yrs of vet school, they learn the general information that they will need to treat patients. There are those individuals who go to school to further their education and specialize in a specific field, i.e. horses, dogs, cats, birds, eyes, orthopedics, surgery, etc. The general small or large animal veterinarian is educated yet limited to a general practice, thus, making listening to their patients owner, more crucial in helping to treat the animal.

In this light, here are several things you can do to find out if your veterinarian is a good doctor.

• Ask about their education and if they did any kind of special training, i.e. internships or residencies.

• Ask people in your community who they would recommend and beware of recommendations due to bedside manner only, or the fact that they may be inexpensive. While bedside manner is very important, if that is their only claim to fame, then this would not be sufficient to the practice of good doctoring.

• Your veterinarian should be able to admit he doesn’t know something and refer you for a 2nd opinion or a specialist. They should be able to admit that they are wrong and learn from their experience.

• You, the owner, know your animal best and are keenly aware of any changes in behavior, weight, eating habits, all the little nuances of your animal. Therefore, it is imperative that your veterinarian is able to listen to everything you have to say when you bring your pet for an examination. No matter what you are bringing your animal in for, there should ALWAYS be a thorough physical examination and history that is being written down in your records, so that your veterinarian may refer to it, at a later date, if needed for further diagnosis. If you are getting the feeling that your veterinarian is ignoring you or intimating that you might be too anxious an owner, this is a clue you might heed in finding another veterinarian. Always listen to your gut. If you have the slightest feeling that you are not being heard, go to another vet. Veterinarians ALWAYS need to listen to you,

• Veterinarians who have a sole practice, that is, only one veterinarian in the office, could lead to problems if this vet is not tightly knit w/ his community/colleagues of veterinarians to be able to consult with them, especially if they are fresh out of school. It may be best to seek out a hospital where there are several vets so that they can consult with each other. Please be very aware of hospitals that are owned by a corporation, (a chain of veterinarian hospitals), as there is little accountability and competence, in my opinion.

• The Internet has a plethora of information at our fingertips, and it is becoming more common that pet owners are finding their diagnosis online and then bringing their findings to their veterinarians, which has been a godsend to many animals. If your veterinarian is not OK with your findings and takes it personally, this is a sign that you are in the wrong hands. Your veterinarian should be willing to discuss and learn from you.

Maintaining the health of your pet is a team effort and you need a doctor who is willing to do whatever it takes to maintain this delicate healthy balance.