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Tuesday, July 1, 2008


It's summer and our animals are very susceptible to the heat, even more so than we are, as they will keep going/ out of excitement and or respect, thinking this is what is expected of them.

Don't leave your dog in a car w/out all the windows rolled down and in the shade. If you parked in the shade, this doesn't mean that it will be shady for the duration of time you are gone... THE SUN SHIFTS and you could come back to a boiling hot car and the animals in the care can easily become overheated. Leave a water bowl filled w/ water. Stop frequently, at rest stops while traveling to get fresh air, and to check on your critters, as air conditioners don't get to the back of cars that well. You may even pour water over them at a rest stop to keep them cool for the remainder of your trip. Fill their water bowls w/ ice from a gas station.

Don't exercise your dog when it is over 90 degrees. Don't train your dog when it is over 90 degrees.

If you suspect heat exhaustion, give water immediately and cool them off w/ a hose, wet the pads of their feet, bring them to shade and keep a cool/wet towel over them and if they don't respond, bring them to the nearest veterinarian.

When hiking, always carry extra water for you dog and stop and offer it to them frequently as you would do for yourself. The ground/dirt can also burn their feet. Best to hike in the mornings or evenings.

Stay cool!